In today’s world, being tall gives you an advantage in almost every area of life. It may not seem fair, but it’s the reality, and all we can do is embrace it.
Here are just a few reasons why being tall works in your favor:
Attractiveness: Taller people are often seen as more attractive. Women, especially, tend to gravitate toward taller men as romantic partners.
Perceived Competence: Height often leads to perceptions of greater competence, confidence, and capability.
Assertiveness: Your height influences how assertive you come across and can improve your negotiation skills.
Career Opportunities: Certain fields, like modeling, sports, and entertainment, give preference to taller individuals.
Power and Influence: Height plays a role in how powerful others perceive you. Taller men are often seen as more dominant.
Maturity: Taller individuals are often regarded as more mature.
And the benefits go on…
Research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology shows that for every inch of height, there’s an average annual income boost of around $800. So, don’t think of this e-book just as a self-improvement tool it’s an investment that can pay off for the rest of your life.
If this doesn’t make you rethink, I’m not sure what will.